Finding my voice. Using my voice. Loving my voice. A Journey

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Carry me Through

Standing here, waiting for the break of day
wondering if I have the strength to stay.
All of my hope is on a promise and its truth
and it's only you who's pulling me through.

Been going through the motions for way oh way too long.
Don't even have the passion to write another song.
Barely crawling on and my prospects are few,
cause it's only you, who could pull me through.

Sometimes the mountains seem too high and the valleys seem too low.
I fear the path before my feet's not where I want to go.
But life has told me differently, yes, life has told me true
and I know that you, you will carry me through.

yes I trust that you, you will carry me through.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On Being a Woman

A hand outstretched
to reach
to hold.

A ribbon in the wind
maintaining its being
shifting its form.

A deep well
from whose dark mystery
emerges the water of life.

Blood that paints the rock face
with beauty
with strength
with courage.